Comments for ProductFeedBurner

create product feeds for affiliate networks / shopping sites from just one feed!

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5 comments (oldest first)

slamidtfyn 17 years ago link

Hi there!,

I like your idea. But I have some questions:

  • Can you provide sample product feeds to the different shopping sites.
  • Do you want a full solution including merchant login and payments or only the productfeedburner application.

Regards Soeren Larsen

Stu 17 years ago link

Hi Soeren,

yep I have uploaded some sample feeds to the different shopping sites here:

it will probably need a merchant login, some shopping sites require their own categories to be used so it will need some kind of category mapping function / feed tweaker.

I can handle the payments side of things

all the best


slamidtfyn 17 years ago * link

I would like to add a comment to my quote.

I have looked at the different feed specs and I find this project possible, but it could be a problem to test it with all the different service providers. If the pledger(s) agree with this I suggest that the project will be delivered in small portions using the pay-as-you-go feature by micropledge.

Each portion will provide a ProductFeedBurner for one of the shopping sites.

UnderMine 17 years ago link

Very interested in this and I would be interested in a straight feed burner.

Have you looked at PopShops they handle 5 feed formats Merchants however their enterprise export in xml is limited to 100 items with no dynamic search API :(

I would suggest your first modules are the big affiliates (CJ, Linkshare, Performics, ShareASale, AffiliateWindow). Linkshare has ‘Linkshare Network’ and ‘Linkshare UK’ but I believe they use common formats.

Be aware of the size of some of these feeds (i.e. from CJ is 6M+ items or the iTunes from LinkShare with 6.5M items and are 3-4G each when uncompressed)

Missing from previous file and FYI Linkshare format

Hope it helps


webaholic 16 years ago link

Hey - as I see this isn’t going on very fast… Are you interested in this anymore?

What about a flexible solution - the admin of the burner can set mapping rules for each export-feed-format instead heaving a hardcoded mapping for each usage?

Flexible Category-Mapping with rules set by the Merchant himselfe - just like that one: [Input] ; [Kelkoo] ; [Froogle] ; [Pricerunner] Car Hifi ; Hifi ; [leave as is] ; HiFi -> Car

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