Spark Clan System

Pledge for Remote to complete a clan’s system for Spark.

No target
$0 donated, USD

Developer Info

Patabugen is developing this project as a donations-only project.

Go to the developer’s website.

Project Info

License is closed-source.

No contributors yet.

Project Tags

clan clans spark

Project details

NOTE: This project has been marked as suspended by the developer. It is now inactive.

Just to be clear, Remote will be developing this and all funds will go to him. I’m just organising the MicroPledge.

Also, I pledge to remote the 3% fee charged by MicroPledge, so everything you pledge will go directly to Remote to promote the development of Spark.


p.s For those who don’t know about microPledge, basically you pledge donations to have something developed, in this case you are pledging for Remote to develop a clan system for Spark. You pledge the amount you wish to donate, and when the system is complete you send the money to MP, who forward it to Remote when the project is done.

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One comment

Berwyn 17 years ago link

NOTE from microPledge: the p.s. above is incorrect. Since this is a donations project, the money will go to Patabugen immediately. It will not wait until the project is complete.

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