idea by delphiN
A client for the music network that saves the songs as taged mp3 files.
Project progress
The project has already been 0% completed, but the developer has stalled the development.
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Developer Info
delphiN is developing this project for $500 over 4 weeks.
Go to the developer’s website.
Project Info
License is open-source.
No pledgers yet.
Project Tags
c++ music qtProject details is a Open-source client for the music network. It is based on the original open-source client. Its source code can be downloaded at #
State 1: $500
- The client saves all played and started songs as single mp3 files in a standart location.
State 2: $1000
- The mp3 files are tacked and stored in folders according to their artist.
- A settings dialog to configure the file saving.
- A special Icon showes the saving process in the status bar.
State 3: $2000
- Playback of saved songs with the client.
- A Expolrer-view to brause through the saved data.
Future States:
- Send commands like “love” or “banned” to the network when hearing saved songs.
- TrueCrypht support to store the files in an cryphted folder.
- A buy this song button for some online music stores.
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