idea by silicontrader
Advertisers reach lots of students, Students get free paper!
Project progress
The project has not yet started development, because it is waiting for quotes.
There is currently one developer quoting to develop this project.
Project details
Looking to develop a website that allows advertisers to submit ads which they want given to students, and those adverts are collated and printed on paper which is then given to students for free.
Students according to anecdotal evidence will look at each page (and subsequently each ad) for more than 1 hour 30 mins in total, over an elongated period of time because those adverts will be printed on paper, which of course, the students use make their notes on, and read again and again for revision!
By automating and putting on the net the process of submitting ads, it opens up the market to a much wider corporate base, and frees up the company time to focus on building distribution and brokering other deals beneficial to students.
One comment
It looks like this might already be out there.
From a Springwise article: “FreeHand Advertising distributes free note-taking paper to students on their way to class. Each page is branded with the same type of horizontal ad you see on websites, only these are visible for at least the duration of a college lecture, and longer if students refer back to their notes (as they should).”
For more info visit
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